Проект и главна цел: (Посочва се № на административния договор за БФП, наименование на проекта и цел на проекта) BG16RFOP002-2.089 - Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19

Бенефициент: КОЛОР ГЛАЗ ООД
Обща стойност: 50 000 лв., от които 42 500.00 лв.
европейско финансирани и 7 500.00 национално финансиране.
Начало: 02.11.2021 г.
Край: 02.02.2022 г.

Why work with us?

25 years of experience in the glass industry --- Custom made glass products --- 100% closed production cycle

Glass printing with ceramic inks --- Fusing Glass --- 3D Glass Bending --- 2D Glass Bending --- Glass Tempering --- Bending printed glass

Digital printing with ceramic inks

Digital printing with ceramic inks

Printed glass with ceramic inks is suitable for kitchen splashbacks, bathrooms, walls, etc

3D (three-dimentional) glass bending

3D (three-dimentional) glass bending

3D bending of glass with maximum dimensions from 2m to 3m. 3D bending printed glass.

Fusing, tack-fusing & slumping glass

Fusing, tack-fusing & slumping glass

By immersing high temperature the glass can change its structure and show its artistic side.

Glass Tempering

Glass Tempering

We offer tempering with min dimensions of the glass 60mm by 60mm and max dimensions - 2m by 3m.

Tempered glass with hand made structure

Tempered glass with hand made structure

Tempered art (safety fused) glass suitable for interior doors, shower cabins, screens, partition walls, etc.

Screen printing and tempering of small glasses

Screen printing and tempering of small glasses

Screen printing on glass with a minimum size of 60mm to 60mm and paint by the Italian company Fenzi.